Indeed I have been neglectful of you oh blog. I have not thought of you in a while. I feel guilt.
It seems my knee will not allow me to achieve my first and only goal. Half marathon. The more I train the worse it gets and the longer it takes to recover. I blame the Army.
I have decided to commit to a new goal. Around the Bay in a Day. I shall buy a tredley and train my curvy butt off.
On other news, the gym is going great guns. Real improvement but for a hiccup of some tendinitis in my elbows. A three week break and I am back in the swing. Feels good too. Nothing compares to the natural endorphin release after a session. Super set shoulders, with shoulders and you will know what I mean.
Alcohol consumption has been horrific. I am weak. I am drinking a beer right now...
Maybe you can't, or shouldn't change your life all at once. I am in a far better place than I was this time last year.
Maybe I'm pathetic...